Wednesday 23 January 2013

Firelight Fusion Cigarette

Smoking is the habit for all the new generations’ youth. Everyone like to smoke, because to reduce their tension. But nowadays the technology has come with electronic cigarette. There are varieties of brands available in market to adopt it. Even smoking is injuries to health, but many didn’t quit smoking. Nowadays e cig is very much familiar will all and it become the alternative for all to smoke, and most of the peoples adopt to this new technology and happy with that system. Many people’s are completely switch to the new electronic cigarette but still many using the analog cigarette.
With this electronic cigarette we can do smokeless cigarette. We can go through smokeless cigarette review in many places and its usefulness all over the world. It is good to taste the e liquid taste. I have seen one online website to purchase e cigarette with free shipping cost. This is their website; from here we can get electronic cigarette for cheaper price and can taste the new liquid taste of smoke. There are many brands available such as Firelight fusion kit, firelight fusion traveler kit, and firelight fusion couples kit for less than 100$ prices. We can also place on order by dialing 888-329-7064, they have also providing good warranty and support.   We can call them to order those electronic cigarettes from 8 am to 4pm EST time. This v2cigs is a new brand I really taste to and I completely switch over to this new system and I am happy by using it. They also providing 30 days replacement warrantee for their product so we can book now and can taste, if anything broken or problem we can get it back.  We can also get free batteries with these orders. Get now and happy smoking and enjoy smoking. 

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Life Insurance

Life insurance is must for all, which will save our life not only for us it will save our family too. Incase if we met with any accident this insurance will cover our life and the amount will be given to our family. Not only it save money after death, it will also be useful while we are leaving, by paying premium we can save our money by doing IT return. All the family head must have their own life insurance. Nowadays getting life insurance is very easy, because of online technology. We can get easily the life insurance quotes from online and can match our financial needs easily and can apply which match our needs. There are plenty of lives insurance available in market we can choose our best one for us. There is plenty of life insurance coverage available for many different insurance providers. We can get guaranteed interest rate, annually adjustable death benefit, guaranteed monthly income option for beneficiaries, Coverage for your entire life if kept current, Flexible term lengths, Tax-deferred cash value that will grow, Covers two people, commonly spouses. So apply for the life insurance today and avail all the facilities and cover your life and be happy.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Sharetize Launches New Social Media Marketing Platform And Pays You to Recommend Things To Your Friends

Sharetize’s patent pending system leverages personal relationships to distribute marketing campaigns via social network conversations and connections.

Palo Alto, CA, January 11, 2013 -- Sharetize’s patent pending system leverages personal relationships to distribute marketing campaigns via social network conversations and connections. Almost every TV show or movie you see now integrates ads into their programming as commercials have become less effective. Banner and text ads have suffered the same fate, they are obvious and easily tuned out.

Social networks users are there for one reason - to see what their friends are up to, not to look at ads. The networks have been struggling to fix this fundamental problem. 

Sharetize solves two problems. First, advertisers want into the networks but currently they have few options that are actually effective. Two, social network users have no easy way to monetize their network of friends and followers. Extra money is greatly desired especially in our current economy.

Sharetize ads are called “expressions”. Expressions are written like any other post you will find and not like an ad. For example: “A specialty sandwich shop called Meat and Bread just opened up and I heard it is good. Will check it out ASAP!”   OR   “Checkout the trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man coming this summer looks awesome!”

Nielsen's BrandLift  says "Social Ads Shared Amongst Friends Are Most Effective. 68% of people are more likely to remember the ad, 2x more likely to remember the ads message, 4x more likely to purchase." 

Sharetize has found that an expression within the online conversation is powerful in multiples. Celebrities are already monetizing their networks this way. Sharetize pays the little guy fees for expressions in his own micro-channels. These expressions are brand messages that are offered via the Sharetize system as “Voices”. 

Voices greatly increase the effectiveness of campaigns by allowing Sharetizers to choose ad copy that sounds like their own words. Sharetizers are able to engage their friends in a voice that is authentic to their own persona. This not only makes the Sharetizer more comfortable in posting but makes the campaign much more effective.

This type of user engagement is what advertisers have been waiting for. Campaigns are managed via an interface that integrates multiple social networks so advertisers can target demographics, social circle size, network, and interests. 

Charity Fundraising was the driving force of the development Sharetize system and provides non-profit organizations with the ability to instantly mobilize their supporter base and raise money for their cause. Their supporters signup and start Sharetizing, but instead of keeping their earnings, they are able to deposit them to their chosen charity groups account. These organizations could be a football team, a cancer charity, a school or any club. Sharetize is a powerful fundraising tool that will change how charities raise money.

For more information visit

Media Contact: 
J. Faulkner
Sharetize Inc.
2225 E. Bayshore Road, Suite 200
Palo Alto, CA  94303
Tel: 1-888-296-5502

Monday 14 January 2013

Best First Aid Kit

Online Graduate Degrees

VOS Inicia una Agresiva Campaña de Marketing de su Servicios Globales e Innovadores de Notas de Prensa Orientados a Ciudades Regionales en Europa

PressReleaseLeader - January 14, 2013 - 11 de enero 2013 - Austin, TX, Estados Unidos - Está claro que la necesidad de elevar a nivel internacional la concienciación con respecto a las notas de prensa de las ciudades regionales existe porque el aumento de la visibilidad global mejora su impacto y su capacidad de generar reacciones a las mismas. En esa línea, también es obvio que es difícil para ciudades con una infraestructura limitada satisfacer su necesidad de producir comunicados a nivel global a través de servicios internacionales tradicionales de distribución de noticias porque son muy costosos, y en comparación, las ciudades regionales carecen de los presupuestos de comunicación de ciudades más grandes. Como resultado de ello, se ven obligadas a subcontratar la infraestructura de distribución de notas de prensa si es que pueden permitírselo. Además del costo, es muy importante para las ciudades de Europa que el proveedor de comunicados de prensa seleccionado ofrezca una cobertura adecuada, no sólo en Europa, sino también en el Oriente Medio, Asia y EE.UU. debido a la influencia económica directa que ejercen esas regiones. Las agencias de noticias tienden a concentrar su atención en las grandes ciudades, contribuyendo así a que se disipe aún más el impacto de los comunicados de las ciudades más pequeñas. Por consiguiente, las ciudades regionales pierden su capacidad de competir tanto a nivel comercial, como social y político fuera de su ámbito local. La brecha entre el coste y los servicios de comunicados internacionales es tan grande que el mercado busca con desesperación una nueva solución para cubrir esas necesidades.
El 14 de Enero de 2013, marca el inicio oficial de la campaña de comercialización del servicio PRL ( ) dirigida a las ciudades europeas regionales, con el fin de llevar el contenido de los comunicados de prensa regionales a los foros internacionales de noticias, algo que todavía no está disponible en los proveedores de prensa habituales. VOS informa que un gran énfasis de la campaña es destacar las características innovadoras de su servicio. Dentro de las características innovadoras citadas por VOS destaca la forma única en la que el sistema efectúa la traducción de idiomas, ya que no se limita únicamente a la traducción de contenidos (los contenidos de prensa publicados en PRL se traducen en tiempo real a 60 idiomas), sino también a la traducción a los idiomas más populares de las palabras clave asociadas con una nota de prensa. Sydney Hardison, VP de Desarrollo de Negocios, comentó sobre la importancia de esta característica: "Por ejemplo, si un comunicado de prensa fue escrito en Inglés y el artículo contenía una palabra clave, como "tecnología", y un lector en Japón selecciona buscar artículos con la palabra "tecnología" pero escribe esa palabra en japonés en nuestro motor de búsqueda, nuestro sitio PRL traducirá la palabra clave al inglés y mostrará el artículo en inglés al lector como parte de los resultados de la búsqueda. Estamos convencidos de que la capacidad de comunicar notas de prensa internacionales sin barreras lingüísticas es una parte crucial dentro del campo de la difusión de la información, y es precisamente por esto que hemos añadido esta característica a nuestro servicio. " Otro ejemplo de innovación señalado por VOS fue que, además de la publicación centralizada en el portal de la red del servicio de todas los comunicados de prensa, PRL ofrece una integración total con las redes sociales de la red dentro de su servicio. "Al permitir que nuestros clientes disfruten de una integración total con las redes sociales, hacemos posible que las noticias se propaguen y lleguen a un público mucho más amplio. La integración de las redes sociales dentro de nuestra servicio de PRL permite que los comunicados de prensa se publiquen automáticamente en la página de Facebook de PRL y en la cuenta de Twitter de PRL, como era de esperarse. Del mismo modo, nuestros lectores pueden publicar directamente y / o enlazar los artículos publicados con su página personal de Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus y Twitter desde el interfaz en la red de nuestro servicio PRL. Además, nuestras salas de prensa virtuales ofrecen la posibilidad de acceder directamente a las cuentas de Facebook y Twitter de los emisores de los comunicados. ", declaró Sydney Hardison mientras destacaba la importancia de la integración de las redes sociales dentro de la herramienta en la red de PRL. VOS indicó que la innovación no se limita solo a las prestaciones del software, sino que alcanza a todas las relaciones con los clientes: de principio a fin el servicio PRL de VOS se esfuerza por simplificar la interacción con los clientes y maximizar sus resultados. Por ejemplo, las ciudades regionales, con un presupuesto limitado para las comunicaciones serán capaces de abonarse al servicio PRL porque el costo se ha racionalizado a través de una tarifa plana mensual de pago.
Vijayan Shanmugam, COO de VOS, dijo: "Si bien estamos muy orgullosos de la innovación, también nos hemos asegurado de que no sea justificación para reducir las prestaciones tradicionales que se esperan de nuestro servicio. Nuestro servicio incluye todas las prestaciones básicas y estándar que se pueden esperar de un proveedor de comunicados de prensa." El sistema PRL incluye elementos tradicionales tales como: la capacidad de búsqueda basada en palabras clave y títulos; las opciones de filtro de noticias basadas en localidad (continente, país, ciudad), fecha ( año, mes, día, rango de fechas) y tema (260 + temas para elegir); el contador del número de visitas por nota de prensa, sala de prensa virtual (integrada con la página de la red de la ciudad, página de inicio, y área de descargas de archivos), la capacidad de agregar contenidos multimedia como complemento de las notas de prensa (vídeo, archivos, imágenes, sonido), y la distribución de contenidos a otros proveedores de noticias en la red de comunicados de prensa (100+ proveedores en todo el mundo, incluyendo paginas en la mayoría de los países de Europa, Marruecos, Egipto, China, Japón, Corea del Sur, India, Canadá, Australia , Inglaterra y varias páginas en los EE.UU.).

La campaña de comercialización se inicia en España el 14 de Enero de 2013. El objetivo es contar con un total de 1.000 ciudades que utilicen el servicio a finales de Marzo del 2013. Como oferta promocional, todas las ciudades que se abonen al servicio PRL antes de finales de Enero del 2013, recibirán un descuento en su tarifa plana de pagos mensuales. El objetivo final es captar el 60% del mercado de las ciudades en España para finales de Junio del 2013. La campaña se dirigirá a Italia, Grecia y Portugal en Abril del 2013 siguiendo un patrón de expansión similar al de España. El objetivo final es captar el 60% del mercado de la ciudades en España, Italia, Grecia y Portugal para finales de Diciembre del 2013. La compañía tiene planes de expansión al resto de Europa y algunos países de Oriente Medio y Asia en el 2014, y a otros países del resto del mundo en el 2015. El presidente de VOS, Husayn Alvarez-Gomariz, expresó: "Esperamos convertirnos en el proveedor mundial de comunicados de prensa de ciudades regionales en un plazo de tres años. Aspiramos a que PRL sea sinónimo de notas de prensa regionales de la misma manera en que Thomson-Reuters / Bloomberg son sinónimos de comunicados financieros o CNN / BBC son sinónimas de noticias generales en el mundo. En las próximas semanas tenemos previsto anunciar una serie de contratos estratégicos con el sector público que confirmarán la dirección de nuestra estrategia ".
Value-Optimized Solutions, Inc. [VOS] es el proveedor mundial líder de soluciones completas de negocio en hardware / software y de servicios en la red ubicada en Austin, Texas, EE.UU. con una base de clientes que se expande en todos los continentes. Los servicios de VOS tienen una presencia global y se utilizan extensivamente en los sectores públicos y privados. Los servicios de VOS están orientados a proporcionar soluciones empresariales que satisfagan necesidades comerciales con un claro énfasis en describir a las organizaciones los resultados empíricos que demuestran la eficacia de la solución. Contacto de Relaciones Públicas: Sydney Hardison,, Sydney Hardison Media Relations Value Optimized Solutions Inc 441 Santaluz Path Austin, TX 78732 208-585-7344

Sunday 13 January 2013

Tech and Marketing

If you are one of the many small businesses out there that offer local services, you are probably wondering how local SEO services can help your business. It’s no secret that in today’s world of information, you need to have an established and fairly successful online presence in order to grow your business. Many of your potential customers and existing client go online to find the information they want. There is still something to be said for mail advertisement and TV commercials; however, a large portion of your business can be generated or enhanced by having a more visible website. Local SEO can help you grow your business by improving your web presence within your targeted geographic area.
Local Search optimization can help you jump one of the major hurtles that most small businesses struggle with; that is, to earn new customers. You could be grappling with several different problems, such as how to persuade people that what you are offering is something they really need, or how to make your services visible and accessible to those people who are looking for it. How to Increase Online Visibility For a vast majority of people, they will almost always turn to their computer and search the internet before they go out and do business. They could be searching for the best prices, best services, or simply read reviews or obtain more information about the products they want. In order to be one of the companies competing for the client’s business, your online web presence needs the benefits of local SEO, if your prospects’ search term includes a geographic term such as city name, for example, Dentists in Los Angeles.  Local SEO services use local search techniques and tools to improve your website’s rankings for Local Search queries and searches with local-intent. With these techniques, Local search experts can help push your website to the top of search engine results or local results like Google Map, creating a higher possibility of that potential client to click on your website over someone else’s.

VOS Starts an Aggressive Marketing Campaign for its Innovative Approach to Global Press Release Services Targeting European Regional cities

PressReleaseLeader - January 11, 2013 - Austin, Texas, USA -- The need exists for regional cities to elevate awareness regarding their press releases at an international level because global visibility increases their impact andresponsiveness.It’s difficult for cities with limited infrastructure to release global communications since traditional international news distribution services are very costly, and comparatively, regional citieslack the communication budget of larger ones.  As a result, they are forced to outsource their international press release distribution infrastructure if they can afford it. In addition to cost, it is critical for cities inEuropeto select a press release provider that offers adequate coverage, not only in Europe, but also the Middle East, Asia, and USA regions due to their direct economic influence.Media exposure tends to focus on larger cities, which dissipates the impact of communications from smaller ones. Consequently, regional cities lose their ability to compete commercially, socially, and politically outside their local realm. The divide between price and outsourcing services is so great that the market is in desperate need for a new solution.
January 14, 2013, signals the official start of PRL’s marketing ( ) campaign targeting European regional cities, thus bringing regional city content to the international news arena,which is not available on any current press release provider. VOS informs that a large emphasis of the campaign is to highlight the innovative features of their service.Some of the innovative features cited by VOS describe their unique take on language translation, stating that it is not only limited totranslating content (PRL content is translated in real-time to 60 languages) but also an article’s keywords to the most popular languages. Sydney Hardison, VP of Business Development, commented on the importance of this feature: “For example, if a press release was written in English andthe article contained a keyword, such as “technology”, and a reader in Japan searched for articles with the keyword “technology” in Japanesein our search engine, our PRL site will cross-translate the keyword to English and display the article in English for the reader.We think the ability to communicate international press releases linguistically is a crucial part of disseminating information, and this is specifically why we added this feature.”Another example of innovation noted by VOS was that in addition to publishing in a centralized web site, PRLprovides full media integration within their service.  “By allowing our customers to enjoy full social media integration, we enable news to be propagated reaching a much wider audience. Social media integration within our PRL service allows for news articles to be automatically published in PRL’s Facebook page and PRL’s Twitter account, as traditionally expected.  Likewise, our readers can directly publish and/or link to the articles in their own personal Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Twitter accounts from within our PRL site. In addition, ourvirtual pressrooms offer the ability to directly link to the Facebook and Twitter accounts of the publisher of the news.” said Sydney Hardison highlighting the importance of full social media integration within their PRL service. VOS indicated that innovation is not limited to software features, but all interactions with customers: from beginning to end VOS’ PRL service strives to simplify customer interaction while maximizing results. For instance, regional cities with a tight communications budget will be able to afford the service because cost has been rationalized to a flat monthly rate. 
Vijayan Shanmugam, COO of VOS, said: “While we take great pride in innovation, we have ensured that it is not a trade-off for traditional features. Our service contains all the basic standard features that can be expected from a press release provider.” PRL’sframework includes traditional features such as: search capabilities based on keywords and title; filtering options based on location (continent, country, city), date (year, month, day, date range), and topic (260+ topics to select from);indicating the number of views per article; a virtual pressroom (city website integration, homepage, media download area); ability to add multi-media content to articles (video, files, pictures, sound);and content distribution to other press release sites (100+ world-wide sites including most countries in Europe, Morocco, Egypt, China, Japan, South Korea, India, Canada, Australia, England, and multiple sites in the USA).
The marketing campaign starts in Spain on January 14, 2013. The goal is to have a total of 1000 cities utilizing the service by the end of March 2013. As a promotional offering, all cities that sign prior to the end of January 2013, will receive a discount in their monthly flat rate. The final objective is to capture 60% of the city market in Spain by June 2013. The campaign will then move to Italy, Greece, and Portugal by April 2013 following a similar pattern to Spain. The final objective is to capture 60% of the city market in Spain, Italy, Greece, and Portugal by December 2013.  The company has plans to expand to the remainder of Europe and selected countries in the Middle East and Asia in 2014 and other countries in the rest of the world in 2015. The CEO of VOS, Husayn Alvarez-Gomariz, expressed: “We expect to become the world provider of allregional city content within a three year timeframe. We want PRL to be synonymous with regional city news in the same fashion that Thomson Reuters/Bloomberg is synonymous with financial news or CNN/BBC is synonymous with world news. In the upcoming weeks we plan to announce a series of strategic contracts with the public sector that will confirm the direction of our strategy.”
Value-Optimized Solutions, Inc. [VOS] is the world leader provider of complete hardware/software business solutions and on-line services located in Austin, TX USA with a client base that expands across all continents. VOS service solutions have a global presence and are used in the public and private sectors extensively. VOS services are geared towards delivering business solutions that satisfy business needs with a clear emphasis on providing organizations with empirical results that demonstrate the effectiveness of the solution.  Media relations contact: Sydney Hardison,